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Insane Hardcore Lucha Wrestling (IHLW) is a TNM7-based real wrestler circuit that began in September 2000 (both TNM and real time) and has continued very sporadically ever since. Mostly it was done in three short runs in 2000-2002. It almost came back in 2004. 2007 and 2010 saw a one shot supercard returns. Title histories are available, but it's not like they really matter in a circuit like this. IHLW is a little bit of everything. Hardcore matches. Luchadores. Indy wrestlers. Gimmicks that are either long dead, parodies, satire, absurdity, and/or deliberately cheesy. Some of it was in deliberately poor taste. Just don't take any of it seriously. The intended vibe was a schlocky 80s action movie. You might say it was Lucha Underground over a decade before Lucha Underground existed. Alas, I haven't closely followed pro wrestling in years which means I'm mighty short on material and out of touch with the characters. IHLW probably wont be back any time soon, though another One Night Stand show isn't out of the question.