How can I be sure that I will be able to see the error message if TNM7 crashes? |
How do I book a match to end in DQ due to outside intereference? | Click here for an explanation. |
How do I move a copy of TNM7 to a new computer? | You can just copy TNM7 (FE or SE) to the new computer via a floppy disk, USB drive, or similiar. If you use a floppy, you will need to zip the TNM directory first to allow it to fit. |
How do I remove my registration info from a copy of TNM7? How do I unregister a copy of TNM7? |
Delete the TNM.REG file. You should always double check this to make sure it worked!!! |
How do I select/deselect all wrestlers on a list? | If you press the '+' key, it will select all wrestlers below
your cursor. If you press the '-' key, it will deslect all wrestlers below your cursor. This will not work everywhere. |
How does Push work? | Click here for an explanation. |
Why did TNM7 just crash with an Error 7? | Error 7s ONLY occur due to running out of conventual memory problem. There in Error 7 Help page available. |
Why did TNM7 just crash with a General Protection Fault? |
Why wont TNM7 run? |
How do I get TNM7 to run on an 64-bit version of Windows? | You will need run TNM7 via DosBox. |
Is Oliver Copp done with TNM7? | Per Oliver's TNM State Of The Union address from May 2008, his jobs in wrestling and MMA "don't leave a lot of quality time for programming tasks" but "I won't abandon it completely...I also won't be able to put out new things regularly." |