How can I be sure that I will be able to see the error message if TNM7 crashes?
    In Windows 95/98/ME...
  • Right click on the program icon for TNM
  • Click on "Properties"
  • Go to the "Program" tab
  • Uncheck "Close on Exit"
  • Click "Ok"
    In Windows NT/2000/XP...
  • Right click on the program icon for TNM
  • The property sheet will pop up. Look for a field labled "Run in" (or something to that effect) which will probably have %windir% in the text box on its right.
  • Replace %windir% with the folder where your TNM 7 resides, e.g. c:\tnm7
  • Click "Ok"
How do I book a match to end in DQ due to outside intereference? Click here for an explanation.
How do I move a copy of TNM7 to a new computer? You can just copy TNM7 (FE or SE) to the new computer via a floppy disk, USB drive, or similiar. If you use a floppy, you will need to zip the TNM directory first to allow it to fit.
How do I remove my registration info from a copy of TNM7?
How do I unregister a copy of TNM7?
Delete the TNM.REG file.
You should always double check this to make sure it worked!!!
How do I select/deselect all wrestlers on a list? If you press the '+' key, it will select all wrestlers below your cursor.
If you press the '-' key, it will deslect all wrestlers below your cursor.
This will not work everywhere.
How does Push work? Click here for an explanation.
Why did TNM7 just crash with an Error 7? Error 7s ONLY occur due to running out of conventual memory problem. There in Error 7 Help page available.
Why did TNM7 just crash with a General Protection Fault?
    In Windows 95/98/ME...
  • Right click on the program icon
  • select Properties
  • select Advanced
  • make sure "Prevent DOS applications from detecting Windows" is checked
Why wont TNM7 run?
    In Windows 95/98/ME...
  • right click on the program icon
  • select Properties
  • select Advanced
  • make sure "Prevent DOS applications from detecting Windows" is checked
    In Windows NT/2000/XP...
  • right click on the program icon
  • select Properties
  • make sure that "Win95/98 compatibility" is checked
How do I get TNM7 to run on an 64-bit version of Windows? You will need run TNM7 via DosBox.
Is Oliver Copp done with TNM7? Per Oliver's TNM State Of The Union address from May 2008, his jobs in wrestling and MMA "don't leave a lot of quality time for
programming tasks" but "I won't abandon it completely...I
also won't be able to put out new things regularly."