We open with clips from The Journey.  Andrew Marshall wins the TV Title.  Johnny Proton defeats four men for the Cruiserweight Title.  The unbelievable Elsinore Death Match.  "Jumbo" Jack Flap returning and defeating Jerry Kent in a shocker.  The appearance of the man known as Deadline!  Rasta's return, leading to Biff Slamkovich's win over Doomsday.  West Bronco taking the North American Title from Ghost after help from Alexander "The Grater".  The Flying Scotsman and Monica... TOGETHER!  The return of Zangief!  Rick Clark defeating Terry Sky, thus putting him under his service.  Scorpion defeating Alexander "The Grater, putting him on a stretcher.  Mike Haggar falling prey to an attack by Major Force, losing to Kodiak Marmoset.  Skarzz winning the World Title, and Jack Slade being attacked by rail jumpers as the twisted Scorpion looked on.  With all that past, what will happen tonight!!!

March 15th, 1999
From The Tupelo Coliseum, Tupelo, Mississippi

    Welcome to Monday Night Massacre!
    Last night was absolutely crazy.  We had the highs of the returns of King Rasta, Zangief, the debut of Deadline, West Bronco and the Air Raiders winning gold.  But then the lows.  Terry Sky is now under Rick Clark's complete control.  Major Force sent Alexander "The Grater", Mike Haggar and Jack Slade away on stretchers.  Skarzz is the World Champion.
    Tonight, StB are in the building.  So are Highland Hell.
    Andrew Marshall defends his newly won TV Title against Lantern.
    Zangief will be here against Chad Hillsman in what should be a vicious encounter.  Beyond that, though, we only know who's here and who's not.  This is going to be a fly by the seat of the pants type of night.

******** Cue Mike Haggar's Music ********

    Here comes Mike Haggar and Jessica.  Last night, he was screwed by Major Force.  Kodiak Marmoset beat him in that 2 for 1 match after Major Force gave Haggar one fall by beating the living hell out of him.  Then it was all Kodiak.
    Mike Haggar was looking a little worse for wear as he came to the ring.  He grabbed the mic and entered the ring, surveying the Tupelo crowd.  Haggar contemplated for a few seconds before talking.

HAGGAR:  I've never been one to bitch and moan about a loss.  Kodiak.  You beat me last night.  Under the rules of that 2 for 1 match, you beat me.  Congratulations.

    Haggar's voice was brimming with tension.  He was building to something.

HAGGAR:  Scorpion, I don't know what to say.  You come out here, hating everything I stand for, and you won't tell a single soul why.  I'd like to say I'm past the point of caring, but I'm not.  No, this isn't something I'm going to turn a blind eye to.  Ever since you came back, I let you call the shots.  That isn't going to happen any more.  Damn reacting to what you do, Scorp.  I'm going on the offensive, and it is going to start tonight!

    Tupelo roared with approval.  This was one angry Mike Haggar, and they were loving it.

HAGGAR:  I don't care about your stupid plan.  I don't care about Major Force.  All I care about is stopping you dead in your tracks before you cause any more trouble to me or anybody else in the SMWA.  You, pal, are going to go down HARD!  And Major Force is going down with you!!!  I've got my own little hit list, pal, and I'll let Jess field the first one.

    The mic was handed over to Jessica Haggar.  She had that look about her.  The one that told you she had something important to say.

JESSICA:  Jack McCullough.  I'll be honest and say I kind of resented you pulling me away from "danger" last night.  Still, it showed me something.  You're hating every minute of Major Force, aren't you?  Jack, we know you're being blackmailed.  But the story of the night is that we don't know with what.  So I'm making an appeal.  You know as much as I do that it's only going to get worse.  Break free, Jack.  You know Scorp will tell everybody what he has on you at some point.  You might as well do it fast.  Please, Jack.  Make the right decision.

    A plea to Jack McCullough to break free.  Jess makes a lot of sense.

HAGGAR:  Now, down to business.  First of all, Kodiak Marmoset.  You think last night changed anything?  You are still a big time LOSER, pal, and I'm going to prove it to the world.  2 for 1 rules?  2 for 1 rules...  You want to know what my 2 for 1 rules are?  I beat you once last night, and you beat me after that, and I'm betting that you can't finish the job.  Tonight, Kodiak!  I'm betting that you can't beat me twice in two days.  I know you've been talking that win up last night, but if you back out of this challenge tonight, then you are nothing more than a coward... nothing more than a punk... and nothing more than a LOSER!!!

    There goes the chant.  Mike Haggar was brimming now.  He was in a rage.

HAGGAR:  Scorpion?  Kodiak's nothing but a whipping boy for me.  You're the one I want, and I'm the one you want, so let's stop messing around.  I'm issuing an open challenge.  Any night you want, you and me, one on one.  I'm tired of games, Scorp.  Let's do this.  But before I get any answer from anybody, there's one person I need to address.  Jack Slade.

    Oh boy.  Haggar addressing Slade?  As far as we know, those two still don't like each other.  Neither man saved the other last night, they haven't been seen together or even teamed together, save their coincidental beatdown of Skarzz last week.  What could Haggar have to say to Slade!

HAGGAR:  Jack...  I know we've had our problems lately.  We're a little far gone from being friends.  Well I don't need a friend.  I need an ally.  Last night proved that none of us can do this alone.  I can't do it alone.  Jack.  I need you.  I know you're here tonight.  I don't need an answer right away.  But I need to know where you stand.  I'll fight Major Force alone if I have to.  I'm hoping I won't have to.  Together, Jack, we can win this thing.  That's all I want.  To win.  Let's win together.  Let's kick Major Force's ass.

    With that, Haggar's music cued up once more.
    Mike Haggar just asked for Jack Slade's help.  Considering the bridge those two burned, that's one tall order.  Is Slade over being in Haggar's shadow for so long?  Can Haggar really trust Jack Slade as a partner now?  Hopefully, we can have those questions answered tonight.

    We went to the back and saw Major Force.  Kodiak Marmoset was storming around in the back, obviously upset at Mike Haggar's comments.  Major Force was letting him rant.
    Once we came back from commercial, Nick Jones was there to do an interview.

JONES:  Kodiak Marmoset, you've heard the challenge of Mike Haggar...

KODIAK:  I heard it and I accept it under ONE condition.  No DQ!  The only way you're getting me in that ring tonight is in a no DQ match!  Right, McCullough?

    Jack McCullough looked up from his solemn glare and burned a hole through Kodiak.  He was sporting a swollen cheek, obviously a consequence of his aiding Jessica on Sunday.

MCCULLOUGH:  It'll be no DQ.

KODIAK:  That's right, Haggar. See, your daughter has no power.  HE has the power!  WE have the power!!!   And the Kodiak Express is going to roll right over you!  You're the LOSER!!!  YOU!!!  YOU!!!

    Scorpion then grabbed Jones by the arm and pulled the mic closer.

SCORPION:  Jones, did I just hear Mike Haggar ask for Jack Slade's help.

JONES:  I.. Well.. Yeah...

SCORPION:  That's too funny.  Today's the Ides of March, the day that Julius Caesar was stabbed in the back by the men he thought were his closest allies.  Ring a bell, Haggar?  You go ahead and trust Slade.  Don't blame me when he falls through one more time.


SCORPION:  Let's go.

    We have an acceptance.  Tonight, no DQ, Mike Haggar vs Kodiak Marmoset.
    Jack McCullough is still playing by Major Force's rules.  Wonder how long it will be before that ends.

SMWA Television Title Match
"Jackhammer" Andrew Marshall (C)

    Last night, Andrew Marshall finally capitalized on the potential we all knew he had when he dethroned Grant Redstone for the SMWA TV Title.  Lantern faltered in his bid to regain the Cruiserweight Title in a great Four Way Crash.  Tonight, he'd have his chance at something bigger.  Just don't expect Marshall to give it up early.
    Lantern got a pretty negative reaction when he came to the ring and, surprisingly, Marshall was the favourite.  This is Tupelo, Mississippi, and we know the fans here will sometimes favour the heels.  The gruff Marshall seems to be one of them.
    As soon as Marshall came in the ring, he attacked Lantern.  The bell rang...

    Lantern ducked a lariat attempt and nailed Marshall with a dropkick.  Jackhammer got up to be floored by a spinning leg lariat.  Lantern quickly went up top, and that was his mistake.  Marshall got up and pitched him from the top rope.
    This match was all Marshall.  He started things off early by trying to pin Lantern with a reverse clothesline.  Nothing happening.  The match spilled outside, where Marshall took his time whipping Lantern into the rails and the ring steps.  The luchador was hurting and hurting bad.  Back inside, Marshall continued his power attack, squishing Lantern with a flying powerslam.
    Lantern was able to get some momentum in his favour when he slid away from a Marshall running powerslam and took him down with a German suplex.  A moonsault nearly gave us a new Champ, but it wasn't to be.  Lantern went for his Light Beam dropkick, but Marshall ducked out of the way and Lantern crashed to the ground.
    The rest of the match was fairly elementary.  Lantern had his chances to come back, but he couldn't capitalize.  Marshall was on fire.  German suplex.  Jackhammer.  Spinning power bomb.  Back suplex.  Lantern was suffering.  Finally, Marshall creamed the luchador with a series of lariats before putting him away with the De-Facer.  It was a fun squash, but a squash none the less.

Andrew Marshall pinned Lantern with the De-Facer in 0:09:41.
Rating: *** 1/2
(Andrew Marshall retained the SMWA Television Title.)

    Marshall's first Title defence was a successful one, and it looks like he could have a few more successful ones down the line.
    Backstage, Nick Jones was waiting with Jack Slade.

JONES:  Jack Slade, you've heard Mike Haggar's plea.  He's asking for your help against Major Force.  The question is, will you help him?

SLADE:  Jones...  There's a lot of issues here... I don't know...  I guess we'll find out later...

    With that, Jack Slade walked off.
    Coming back from commercial, we saw a split screen.  On one side, Zangief was getting ready.  On the other, we saw Chad Hillsman talking with Gunloc.  These two rivals will meet once more tonight in what promises to be nothing less than a fight.

    Back in the arena, the lights went out.  A bright white strobe began to flash.  Deadline!  Deadline was here!  The strobe began to flash quicker and quicker and, suddenly, Oni, NightClaw II and Deadline appeared in the ring!  Deadline spoke.
DEADLINE:  The Defender has arrived, Baki Mono.  You're dead!  I'd like to thank Oni and the Second NightClaw for their help in this fight.  They were valuable, and will remain valuable until this war is over.  Zists.  Iznami.  I'm not doing this because you're evil.  Evil has no meaning to me.  Neither does good.  Balance, Baki Mono.  I'm not here to keep you in line.  I am here to destroy you and keep the balance.  The Dead Line cannot be conquered, and you will never conquer Deadline.

******** Cue the Baki Mono's Music ********

    Maybe Deadline was right.  But the Baki Mono were going to try.
    Zists and Iznami came out with the Baki Mono in tow.  Neither manager looked impressed at the trio standing in the ring.  Stone cold, Iznami spoke.

IZNAMI:  The Defender has finally chosen to show himself.  Your interference comes at a bad time, Defender.  I was this close to getting what I wanted, and all you would have had to do is sit back and let me take it.  You couldn't, could you?

DEADLINE:  You've already lost, Iznami.  It's just a matter of time.

IZNAMI:  You think so?


    With that, Naga Yajito charged towards the ring.  Looks like a match!

Naga Yajito

    Naga rolled in to the ring and began planting kicks in to Deadline's midsection.  Nothing.  The Defender just stood there.  Naga bounced off the ropes and hit with a dropkick.  Deadline was still motionless.  Naga went for a bodyslam.  Deadline blocked.  He grabbed Naga by the throat and choke slammed him to the ground.  Deadline wasn't going to waste time.  He picked Naga up again, went behind him and nailed him with a release German suplex.  Naga folded like an accordion, but Deadline wasn't done.  He picked Naga up again, locked him in a facelock and dropped him with a leaping DDT!  Naga was rolled over and Deadline covered him.  NightClaw rolled in to the ring and made the count.

Deadline pinned Naga Yajito with the Deadline DDT in 0:01:29.
Rating: **

    The Baki Mono quickly rushed the ring.  Deadline stood up and the arena broke into a series of white strobes.  Somewhere in between them all, Deadline, NightClaw and Oni disappeared!  The Baki Mono were left looking confused once more.
    Backstage, we saw Major Force in conference.  Later tonight, the rematch.  Mike Haggar vs Kodiak Marmoset.
    On our return, Nick Jones was backstage with Zangief!

JONES:  Zangief, let me be the first to welcome you back to the SMWA!

ZANGIEF:  Good to be back, Jonz.  First, I must zank Biff Slamkovich and his nephew for last night.  I zank Biff for beating Doomzday, bringing me back.  And I thank his nephew for... giving me a seat.  Now, Hillzman?  I vill never... EVER forgive you for vat you did to me at New Yearz Smash.  Vat you made me say...  Vat you forced me to do....  Zis is going to end TONIGHT, Hillzman.   Everyzing you did to me on New Year'z Day is going to be paid back... Vat do you want?

    Ghost had appeared, seemingly from nowhere.  He grabbed the mic from Nick Jones.

GHOST:  Just remember why you're back, Bear Crusher.  Remember who allowed it.

    Ghost then gave the microphone back to Jones and left.  Zangief looked confused.

ZANGIEF:  Vat vas zat about?

******** Cue Simply the Best's Asshole Theme ********

    Out came StB... together again with a new "member".
    Rick Clark and Jerry Kent lead the way.  Cody Simmons and Ron Grayson followed behind.  Between them was Terry Sky.  With his win last night, Rick Clark officially took control of Terry Sky's contract.  Basically, Hardknocks is now under the control of Rick Clark, whether he liked it or not.
    Ron Grayson was wearing an "I'm with Stupid" T-shirt.  The arrow pointed to Sky.  That had to hurt.
    StB came in to the ring, all smiles.  Rick Clark had the microphone first.

CLARK:  Hello, Tupelo!!!  StB is glad to be back.  Not back here, but back together at last!  Just when all the smarts were saying StB were heading for an explosion, we pull it together like the champions we are and stick it to everybody.  WE... ARE... BACK!!!  I know that's going to piss some people off, but we don't really care.  If you want to get to StB, there's just one thing you have to do... GET THROUGH TERRY SKY!

    Clark began laughing hysterically.  This was funny for him.  All this time, Major Force had told Terry Sky that he'd have to get past StB to get to Major Force.  Now, Clark's planning on turning the tables.  Jerry Kent took the mic.

KENT:  Jack Fat?  You got lucky last night, old man.  You caught me on an off night.  It's not going to happen again.  I guarantee you that I will even the score on your fat ass.  First, though, you're going to have to deal with Terry Sky!

    Kent had a nice chuckle on that one, too.  The mic was then handed to Cody.  Grayson moved over so he could get a chance on the mic, too.

CODY:  Dammit, Ron, don't move.  Stay on one side of Terry.  One side.

GRAYSON:  Huh?  Oh, the shirt.  You move over here, Cody.

CODY:  Good idea, Brain.  Okay, so for the past month, me and Ronnie here have been fighting for a woman who's turned out to be the biggest, sluttiest, cheapest babe that ever played both sides of the mighty Mississippi.  It's amazing how a revelation like that can just change it all around for you.  Right, Ron?

GRAYSON:  Cody...  She left us for The Flying Scotsman...  Ol' "Quick Draw" Graeme McGaw himself.  Mo...  I trusted you, honey.  I really, really did.  I guess I was just being stupid.

CODY:  Hehe.


CODY:  Um, laughing at Quick Draw.

GRAYSON:  Good line, eh?  Anyway, "Quick Draw", I don't know what Monica sees in you.  I don't know what she'd want with some big smelly Scotsman.  But you and Highland Hell have made enemies of the wrong people.  And for screwing both of us of us over like that, we're going to make you guys our beeotches.  Just like Monica, you're going to go down... FAST!!!

CODY:  After you get through Terry Sky, though...

    Again, some more chuckles from StB.  Clark took the mic once more.

CLARK:  And Terry Sky... I don't know what your problem is, pal, but to get to me, you're going to have to get through... Oh.  Sorry, Terry.  I forgot.  I own you, now.  Oh, come on, get that scowl off your face.  See, I could fire you right now if I wanted to.  But I'm not THAT much of an asshole... usually.  No,  I know you bought your little apartment in Atlanta.  I know you need the money.  So it's simple, Terry.  As long as you work for me, you'll keep getting paid.  You cross me, and I fire your ass.  Sound good?

    Clark shoved the microphone in Sky's face.  Sky didn't look impressed.

SKY:  You just wait, Rick.  Wait 'till this all blows right up in your face.

CLARK:  Gee, Terry, you've got me pretty scared... CONSIDERING I OWN YOU!  Not so "Hardknocks" now, are ya?  I didn't think so!  Now, getting away from our slave boy, I'm with Ron and Cody on this Highland Hell thing.  Frankly, I don't think "Jumbo" can survive another match with Jerry, so I'll leave his fat ass to the cardiologists.  Scotsman... You stuck your nose in StB's business... You stuck something else in Monica's business, which is one popular business, but I digress...  Highland Hell?  Let's just leave it at this.  StB is coming to get ya!  You might have Mo, but she's nothing but a ho, so do we care?  No?  And if you three still don't understand what I'm talking about I've got three little letters that will clear it all up!  S! t! B!

CODY:  And if you don't like it, we don't care, because...

CODY/GRAYSON:  We're assholes... And damn proud of it!!!

KENT:  So from The Streetfighting Stud, The Daredevil, Tricky Rick and the Hardknocks bitch, this is Jerry Kent saying goodnight, God Bless and...

CLARK:  Wait, Jerry...  Let me finish.  Goodnight, God Bless, and Terry, it's going to be a pleasure "working with you" again.

******** Cue Highland Hell's Music ********

    Here comes trouble.
    Highland Hell came out to the ring, Monica draped on the Scotsman's arm in an obvious attempt to make Ron and Cody jealous.  Scots had fooled everybody when Monica went with him on Sunday.  What a way to get the spotlight.  Scots had a mic of his own.

SCOTSMAN:  Well, well, well.  Look at what we have in the ring.  Four damn wankers and the guy that wanks them.  Way to go, StB.  Ya know, I hear Cody and Ron asking what I've got that they don't?  Well, boys, let me put it this way.  You two aint got nothing but a couple of teeny, tiny hot dogs.  Monica?  She wanted the GIANT HOG OF LOVE!!!

    GROSS!!!  Tupelo didn't much like that imagery.  Scotsman continued.

SCOTSMAN:  Now, you guys talk about us getting in your business?  Well, yeah!  Nobody's given us any respect since we got here.  Angus and Hamish win the tag belts, and everybody expects them to lose them each pay-per-view.  I'm the Toughman, and nobody even respects that.  We bust our buts every time we step in the ring, and we don't get anything compared to you boys.  I guess if we want the respect, we're just going to have to take it from ya, just like I took Monica!

    StB looked less than impressed in the ring.  Clark still had the mic.

CLARK:  First of all, Scots, I know you Highlanders like your animals, but I really don't care about how you love your hogs, okay?  You smelly yahoos think you deserve some respect.  Well, how about this.  One of your guys against one of us... here... tonight!  Give us five minutes.

SCOTSMAN:  Five minutes?

CLARK:  Echo... Echo... Five minutes, bud.  Then we get it on!

SCOTSMAN:  all right.  Let's do it.

     Highland Hell against StB tonight?  We'd take a commercial first, but we'd have it coming up next!!!

    Highland Hell's music started up first.  Hamish MacTavish came to the ring first, with Scots, Monica and Angus in tow.  Looks like the Highland Giant would get first crack.
    StB's music started up and out came... Terry Sky.  Well, looks like Clark was telling the truth.  Anybody who wanted to get to StB would have to go past Terry Sky.  Wonder how much support Sky will get from his "allies".
    Hamish didn't look too happy with the choice.  He grabbed a mic.

HAMISH:  What's this crap?  I'm here for a member of StB, not a little arse like you!

    Sky grabbed the microphone from Hamish.

SKY:  First of all, you wouldn't know the first thing about a "Little Arse", fatso.  Second of all, I want to be here about as much as you want me here.  So if you're going to be difficult, maybe this will change your mind.

    Sky tossed the mic to the ground and pasted Hamish with a superkick!  The match was underway!!!

"Hardknocks" Terry Sky
"The Highland Giant" Hamish MacTavish w/ Highland Hell

    Hamish had barely finished falling to the mat before Sky was climbing the top rope.  Sky flew  off at Hamish when he stood up, nailing him with a flying dropkick.  Another dropkick and an superkick sent Hamish outside.  Sky measured him, bounced off the ropes and leapt on to Hamish with a tope!  Angus tried to attack Sky, but Sky hit him with another superkick.  Hamish's head was rammed in to the guardrail and then he was rolled back in to the ring.  Sky came off the top ropes with a springboard dropkick.  Hamish went down once more.  Sky bounced off the ropes and went for a high cross body.  Hamish caught Sky and cracked him with a backbreaker.
    Hamish dropped an elbow on Sky and then whipped him to the corner.  Hamish charged in with an avalanche.  Sky moved out of the corner.  Hamish hit the buckles, and Sky nailed him with a spin kick to the head.  A dazed Hamish stumbled out and Sky took him down with a legsweep faceslam.  He went for a cover.  Two count.
    Sky picked Hamish up and went for a Frankensteiner.  Hamish caught him and power bombed him to the mat!  Hamish was in control now.  He splashed down on Sky and went for a cover.  Two count.  Hamish picked Sky up and flattened him with a short lariat.  Quickly, he locked on the Scottish Breaker!  Fortunately for Sky, Hamish was close to the ropes, or this match would have been over right there.
    Hamish picked Sky up and whipped him in to the ropes.  DDT SKY!!!  Things were back in Terry's favour!  Angus Wallace jumped on to the apron to try and distract Sky.  Sky hit him with a dropkick.  The Scotsman tried to get in to the ring, but Sky took a swing at him.  The ref was warning Scots and Angus not to get in.  In the meantime, Monica was working on the other side of the ring.  She slipped a chair in to the ring, which Hamish grabbed.  Sky was cranked in the back of the head.  The chair was tossed outside before the ref could turn around and see it.
    Once the ref was back on the match, Hamish had Sky up on the top turnbuckle.  SCOTTISH SLAM!!!  From there, it was elementary.

Hamish MacTavish pinned Terry Sky with the Scottish Slam in 0:06:51.
Rating: ** 3/4

    Highland Hell celebrated.  Nick Jones was backstage with a laughing StB.

JONES:  Guys, what's the deal?  I thought this was your first battle with Highland Hell?  Why weren't you out there helping Sky?

CLARK:  ... Jones... Wow, buddy... Wow...

    StB laughed us in to a set of commercials.  Once back, Nick Jones was backstage with Chad Hillsman and Gunloc.

JONES:  Chad, you can't be happy about having to wrestle Zangief tonight.

HILLSMAN:  Shut up, Jones.  You know, Zangief, I figured your big red ass would have had enough when I tore you apart at New Year's Smash.  I didn't think you could be any dumber than you look, but I guess I was wrong.  Now, you want to come back into my country and get revenge on me?  I'm leaving Gunloc in the back for this one, and buddy, I'm sending your ass out on the next plane and...  What the Hell?

    Ghost had once again appeared.  Again, Jones had his mic stolen.

GHOST:  Just remember, Patriot.  You wouldn't be having this interview if it weren't for one man.

    Just like before, Ghost left.

HILLSMAN:  What did he want?

The War of The Super Powers: Back from Siberia
"The All-American" Chad Hillsman
"The Siberian Bear Crusher" Zangief

    Busy guy, that Ghost.
    This would be the first time we saw Zangief in a wrestling ring in over ten weeks.  After what Hillsman pulled on him at New Year's Smash, forcing Zangief to denounce his home and his family, and then forcing him to attack to save Biff Slamkovich, causing him to be suspended, you could be sure Zangief would be looking for some payback.
    Hillsman would be pretty pissed, too, though.  He was paying Zangief's salary for that month he was suspended and went through a censorship period.  Any guesses on who he's going to take it out on?
    Hillsman came out first.  Gunloc had been left in the back.  Chad wanted to deal with this "problem" by himself, obviously.  Tupelo, Mississippi booed the Ultra Nationalist as he made his way to the ring.
    Zangief came to the ring next.  The fans didn't have long to cheer him, as Zangief was charging towards the ring at an awesome clip.  He rolled in to the ring, was met by several stomps from Hillsman, and our match began!

    Zangief fought his way to the ropes and blew Hillsman back with a series of big punches.  Hillsman countered with a boot to the midsection.  This one wasn't starting pretty, as these two were intent on beating the life out of each other.  Zangief flattened Hillsman with a lariat, but Hillsman nailed Zangief with a low blow getting up.  Quickly, the action spilled to the outside.  Hillsman attempted an irish whip to the ringpost, but Zangief countered and Hillsman tasted the steel.  Zangief charged at Chad, who ducked and hit Zangief with a backdrop.  Zangief's back glanced off the steel steps and he hit the ground.  Hillsman climbed the steps and went for a flying chop.  Zangief countered with a spinebuster on the floor!  Hillsman was rolled back inside, where the fight continued in Zangief's favour.
    Big Red didn't do too much wrestling.  There was a lot of choking, a lot of stomping and a lot of brawling.  All of it was obviously taking its toll on Hillsman, and the crowd was absolutely loving it.  Zangief whipped the All-American to the ropes and plastered him with a diving elbow smash.  Hillsman then received a DDT from Zangief.  Chad needed something to bring this match back in his favour.  He found it when Zangief charged the corner with an avalanche.  Hillsman stuck up his boot, stunning the Russian.  Chad nailed him with a lariat and then picked him up for a power bomb!  Hillsman was back in charge, taking much the same route that Zangief had.  Again, not a lot of wrestling, but a Hell of a lot of fighting.
    Hillsman picked Zangief up for a suplex, but Zangief blocked.  He reversed the move and Hillsman hit the mat hard.  Zangief scooped him up and planted him with a Tombstone!
    This went back and forth and back and forth.  Most of it was brawling, but there'd be a big, powerful move every once in a while.  Hillsman ducked a Zangief lariat and hit a powerslam.  Zangief later rebounded with a Soviet suplex.  A running elbowsmash by Hillsman busted Zangief's lip.  Neither man was getting any sort of an advantage.  Neither man was going for a pin.  Finally, Zangief hit a spinning piledriver!  He went for the cover!
            NO!!!  Shoulder!
    Zangief put Hillsman in position for the Siberian Bear Crusher.  Hillsman countered with a backdrop, and Zangief went flying outside, where the brawl continued.
    Hillsman tossed Zangief into the guardrail and went for the Stars & Bars.  Zangief countered, sliding off Hillsman's back and taking his head to the ring steps.  The brawl spilled in to the aisle, where Zangief felled Hillsman with a lariat.  Hillsman hit another low blow and tossed Zangief in to the guardrail.
    In the meantime, the ref had counted both men out!!!

Chad Hillsman and Zangief battled to a double countout in 0:13:17.
Rating: ***

    Zangief and Hillsman didn't even care.  They were pounding on each other, and that's what they like the best.  Several SMWA officials came out to break up the fight, but they couldn't do anything.  Hillsman and Zangief tossed them off like flies.  Nobody was breaking these two up.

******** Cue Major Force's Music ********

    Skarzz and Ghost ran out, followed by Scorpion.  Skarzz grabbed Zangief and pulled him off of Hillsman.  Ghost got a hold of Hillsman, taking him away from the fray.  Zangief looked at Skarzz, who stepped aside.  Ghost moved so Hillsman could see the same thing.
    Hillsman and Zangief were about ten feet apart.  The Scorpion was standing in the middle, holding that baton, that weapon of his.  Neither Zangief or Hillsman made a move.
    We went to commercials, and when we came back, Nick Jones was trying to chase down our Commissioner, Jack McCullough.

JONES:  Commissioner McCullough...

MCCULLOUGH:  Not now, Jones...

JONES:  What just happened with Major Force, Hillsman and Zangief?

MCCULLOUGH:  I don't know, Jones.  Get of my back.

JONES:  Wait... Sir, one question...

    McCullough kept walking down the hall.  Jones pulled out his question.


    McCullough stopped.  He turned around, walked towards Jones and took his microphone.

MCCULLOUGH:  She's a smart girl, Jones.  But she doesn't understand.

JONES:  Understand what?

MCCULLOUGH:  None of your business.

    With that, Jack McCullough handed the microphone back to Nick Jones and walked off.

******** Cue King Rasta's Music ********

    Get down with tha' jungle boogie!  King Rasta was returning to Monday Night Massacre!
    Tupelo exploded into cheers as Rasta, Bobby the Monkey riding his shoulders, made his way to the ring.  Rasta was looking happy to be back.  Dancing around, wiggling his bottom.  He was enjoying this.  Doomsday had hurt him and hurt him badly, but he was back!  And he had his monkey!
    King Rasta climbed in to the ring and  grabbed the microphone.  He had things to say.

RASTA:  Ey, is good to be back in da SMWA, Mon!  Now, I only gots a two, three thing to say.  Numba one, I wanna say a big tanks to who it was who took Bobby when I be sick.  Ting is, I don' know who it was.  You come tell me, I give you sometin' nice.  Numba two.  Doomsday.  You wanna take me out, mon?  You wanna hurt me?  Me standin' right here for ya, Green.  Where you are?

******** KABOOM ********
******** Cue Doomsday's Music *******

    Doomsday had heard Rasta and was ready to address him.  He had his own mic as he entered the arena.

DOOMSDAY:  First off, Rasta, you weren't anything more than a BUMP IN MY ROAD!  You think it took anything to hurt you?  NO!  I'd do it again like that.  Now, maybe you're stupid, but I'll say this.  I work for the highest bidder now.  YOU messed up my job.  I'm still under contract to take down Biff Slamkovich, and I've been paid to take down Zangief, too.  You?  You cost me on Sunday.  I'll do you for free.

RASTA:  You do me?  How bout I do you now!

    And with that, King Rasta charged out of the ring and attacked Doomsday.  The two men brawled all the way in to the back.
    That was random.
    As we went to commercial, we saw a split screen of Mike Haggar and Kodiak Marmoset.  Will Jack Slade answer Haggar's plea?  Or will Mike Haggar be left alone to face Major Force?
    We'd find out next!!!

Main Event
No-Disqualification Rematch
Kodiak Marmoset
Mike Haggar

******** Cue Ring Announcer ********

RA:  Ladies and Gentlemen... The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it will be fought under no disqualification rules!

******** Cue Kodiak Marmoset's Music ********

RA:  Introducing first... Being led to the ring by Saul Masters... Representing Major Force... From Mercer, Pennsylvania... Weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds....  KODIAK! MARMOSET!

    And there goes the chant.  Loser.  Loser.  Loser.  The fans didn't take long to get on Kodiak, and it didn't take long for Kodiak to lose it.  He climbed in to the ring and grabbed the microphone from the ring announcer.


    Well, the fans got a little louder and the fans got a little louder.  Kodiak was looking pissed off.  He'd have his chance to alleviate that anger in just a few seconds.

******** Cue Mike Haggar's Music ********

RA:  His opponent... Being led to the ring by his daughter, Jessica... From New York City... Weighing in at three hundred and ten pounds.... MIKE! HAGGAR!

    Tupelo was liking Mike Haggar.  A pro heel crowd usually, they sure weren't going to cheer the obnoxious Kodiak Marmoset.
    Haggar and Jessica walked to the ring.  In the middle of the aisle, Haggar started running.  He was on his way!  He rolled in and the match began!

    Kodiak and Haggar immediately began to trade punches, and Haggar got the edge.  He backed Kodiak in to the turnbuckle, climbed to the middle ropes and punched him ten times in the head.  Kodiak was whipped to the other turnbuckle and Haggar charged in with a lariat.  Kodiak lifted his boot, catching Haggar in the jaw.  He grabbed the former champ and quickly took him down with a belly-to-belly suplex!  Haggar was stunned just long enough for Kodiak to lock on a figure four!!!
    It was a little early for Mike Haggar to be fighting this kind of pain, but he probably wasn't expecting such a quick attack from Kodiak after the belly-to-belly.  Still, Haggar was fairly fresh.  He reversed the hold with no problems. Kodiak broke it, got up and went for a clothesline.  Haggar ducked and caught Kodiak in a reverse neckbreaker!  He dropped and elbow on Kodiak's head and went for a cover!  Quick two!
    Haggar fought like a man possesed.  He had been thoroughly humiliated last night, and now it was his turn to humiliate Kodiak.  He nailed Kodiak with a series of lariats before planting him with a face first suplex!  Haggar picked Kodiak up, hit him with and atomic drop, and then bounced off the ropes and clocked Kodiak with a flying clothesline!!!  Haggar got on top of Kodiak and began planting fists into the side of his head.
    Haggar continued the beating until a missed lariat led to a spinebuster by Kodiak.  Haggar hit the mat hard and Kodiak followed up with a standing moonsault for a two count.  He picked Haggar up, but Haggar immediately began to brawl back.  The match spilled to the outside, where Masters tried to get involved.  Haggar took him down with a lariat and then turned around and ducked a chair shot from Kodiak.  Haggar followed up with a boot to the midsection, taking the chair and smashing it against Kodiak's head.  He did it twice and rolled Kodiak in to the ring.
    MAJOR FORCE WAS COMING TO THE RING!  Skarzz and Ghost ran on down while Scorpion calmly brought up the rear.  Skarzz and Ghost ran in to the ring and attacked Haggar, pounding him down to the mat.  Skarzz picked the former champ up with a choke slam and dropped him.  Ghost kicked him in the ribs.  Scorpion entered the ring and fully extended the baton.  This was looking a lot like last night.

******** Cue Jack Slade's Music *******

    Holding a baseball bat in his hand, Jack Slade charged to the ring.  Ghost was the first to meet him.  Slade ducked a Ghost lariat and clocked him in the midsection with the baseball bat.  A shot to the back and Ghost rolled outside.
    Skarzz was next.  Slade clocked him in the head with the bat and then used the weapon to clothesline the World Champ over the top ropes.  Slade turned to Scorpion.
    Scorp used his baton to whack Slade in the leg.  He would have followed up, but Mike Haggar sprang up from the mat and clotheslined Scorpion over the top ropes!  Scorpion fell outside!
    Slade, his leg hurting from the baton shot, picked Kodiak up and tossed him in to Haggar.  Haggar kicked him in the stomach and picked him up... SCREWDRIVER!!!

Mike Haggar pinned Kodiak Marmoset with the Screwdriver in 0:06:59.
Rating: *** 3/4

    Major Force tried to get back in the ring, but Slade was swinging his baseball bat.  He wasn't going to let that happen any time soon.  Scorpion got off the ground and ordered his troops to retreat.  Skarzz reached in the ring, grabbed Kodiak, and carried him to the back.
    Mike Haggar turned and saw Jack Slade.  There was a staredown.  Slade broke it to get the microphone.  Jessica Haggar was already holding it.  She climbed in to the ring and personally handed it to Slade.  There was a moment of silence between the two.  Slade then turned to Haggar.

SLADE:  You want to win this thing, Mike?  Let's win this thing.

    Mike Haggar and Jack Slade shook hands as a sold out crowd roared in applause as we went off the air!!!
    Haggar!!!  Slade!!! Together again!!!